Birthday Beef Spectacular

Event Date
Event Host
Food / Beverages

Mark - 4lb Beef Stew

Matt - Rotisserie Chicken / Homemade Guacamole

Ben - Red Heat Chili

Mike - Bennett's "Shoot You Between the Meatloaf Balls" / Arnold's Birthday Cookies

Jim - Arnold's "Bicep Beef" Meat Salad

John - Meat Sticks and Bacon

Andrew - Double-Decker Birthday Meat Cake

Steve - Stick-Around Chicken/Beef Kabobs / Pasta Salad

Event Highlights

The outdoor Arnold Fest was a resounding success complete with 7' viewing screen and amazingly awesome speakers.

The pasta salad was an excellent compliment to the chili's.

The birthday cake of meat should be labeled the "9th Wonder of World" after Arnold's biceps as the "8th Wonder of the World".

Outcome of the before/after weigh in:        
  Before After Weight Gain % Weight Gain
Mark 226.4 232.4 6.0 2.58%
Matt 179.4 186.2 6.8 3.65%
Mike 164.4 174.0 9.6 5.52%
Jim 198.4 204.4 6.0 2.94%
Andrew Scr Scr Src Src
Steve 185.0 189.0 4.0 2.12%
Ben 205.6 212.2 6.6 3.11%
John 214.0 218.4 4.4 2.01%