The 6th Day

All videos and events related to The 6th Day.

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Andrew - Skirt Steak Tacos / Brownies

Mike - Shrimp / Scallops / Pistachio Cake

Steve - Caribbean Jerk Tenderloins

Jim - 5lb Homemade Meat Pizza

John - Ribeye Steaks / Sausages

Mark & Ben - Upon the Tree of Woe

Birthday Beef Spectacular

Mark - 4lb Beef Stew

Matt - Rotisserie Chicken / Homemade Guacamole

Ben - Red Heat Chili

Mike - Bennett's "Shoot You Between the Meatloaf Balls" / Arnold's Birthday Cookies

Jim - Arnold's "Bicep Beef" Meat Salad

John - Meat Sticks and Bacon

Andrew - Double-Decker Birthday Meat Cake

Steve - Stick-Around Chicken/Beef Kabobs / Pasta Salad